Tag Archives: Aging and the Future

Aging and the Future

Compassionate Aging Series: Happiness in Aging – Mind, Body and Emotions

Every one of us is in the process of aging. How do we age in a way that is compassionate to our minds, bodies and emotions? In this interactive presentation, we will explore pathways to happiness in aging.

Join in conversation:                                                                                                      Anne Conrad-Antoville, BM, MM                                                                         CEO of Champion Advocates LLC,                                                                   Geriatric Case Management Services

Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Anne Conrad-Antoville  5:30-7:00pm

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Anne has been a professional aging services provider for 15 years and has been the recipient of local, state and national awards for senior health care advocacy. She has worked directly with many hundreds of older adults and their families. She has appeared as a senior services expert on radio and television news programs and has been a speaker at California Association of Area Agencies on Aging, Rotary International, California State HICAP Association, California Health Advocates, Humboldt Medical Association as well as numerous senior and community centers and local businesses.



Champion Advocates Supports New Medicare ACP Coverage

Champion Advocates LLC geriatric case management services endorses the plans announced in July 2015 for Medicare to reimburse medical providers for having Advance Care Planning conversations with their patients.

Champion Advocates LLC joins numerous other organizations that have called for this proposed change, including: AARP, Alzheimer’s Association, American Geriatrics Society, American College of Physicians, American Medical Association, American Nursing Association, Gerontological Society of America, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, National Alliance for Caregiving, National Council on Aging, National Partnership for Women & Families, The Pew Charitable Trusts, among many others.

Dr. Patrick Conway, the chief medical officer for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, which administers Medicare stated in a July 8 New York Times article, “We think that today’s proposal supports individuals and families who wish to have the opportunity to discuss advance care planning with their physician and care team.”

Dr. Conway clarified that the proposal will not limit the number of conversations to be reimbursed to qualified medical professionals.

“The reality is these conversations, their length can vary based on patients’ needs,” he said. “Sometimes, they’re short conversations – the person has thought about it. Sometimes, they’re a much longer conversation. Sometimes, they’re a series of conversations.”

As reported by the Associated Press, “Medicare is using a relatively new term for end-of-life counseling: advance care planning. That’s meant to reflect expert advice that people should make their wishes known about end-of-life care at different stages of their lives, as early as when they get a driver’s license.”

Even though some private insurers have been providing reimbursement for Advance Care Planning, this new rule change would open these meaningful conversations to almost 55 million Medicare beneficiaries. According to The Kaiser Family Foundation, about three-quarters of the people who die each year in the US are 65 and older, making Medicare the largest insurer at the end of life.

Christian Sinclair, MD and Assistant Professor of Palliative Medicine Division Internal Medicine Department at the University of Kansas Medical Center, Sinclair is one of the leading US authorities on palliative care and advance directives and was on a national committee that last year produced a report called “Dying in America.”

The Kansas Health Institute news service reflected Dr. Sinclair’s enthusiasm for Medicare to cover advance care planning, as other private insurers are likely to follow. “That’s important,” Sinclair said, “because Medicare primarily covers Americans age 65 and older. Making decisions about resuscitation and living on feeding tubes or ventilators is something everyone should do once they’re mature enough to understand the choices,” he said.

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Last year’s National Academy of Sciences’ report titled “Dying in America” clearly summarized that, “As much as people may want and expect to be in control of decisions about their own care throughout their lives, numerous factors can work against that desire. Many people nearing the end of life are not physically or cognitively able to make their own care decisions. It is often difficult to recognize or identify when the end of life is approaching, making clinician-patient communication and advance care planning particularly important.”

The report further outlines, “Advance care planning conversations often do not take place because patients, family members, and clinicians each wait for the other to initiate them. Understanding that advance care planning can reduce confusion and guilt among family members forced to make decisions about care can be sufficient motivations for ill individuals to make their wishes clear. Yet even when these important conversations have occurred and family members are confident that they know what the dying person wishes, making those decisions is emotionally difficult, and families need assistance and support in this role.”

Since its formation, Champion Advocates LLC has been focusing on end of life conversations as one of our core areas of care planning to support an older individual or couple’s ability to aging in place in their own home. Routinely, we discover elders may have documented advance healthcare directives but with no practical or specific understanding as to what life sustaining measures they would actually desire when unable to speak for him or herself at a critical time.

We view this proposed Medicare change to be a good initial step for older persons considering what medical actions they would want to have performed, including the potential ramifications (positive and negative) from such procedures. Therefore, advanced directives will have more worthwhile meaning for everyone involved.

Champion Advocates recognizes that the next significant, yet more complicated, step is to ensure that agreed upon actions are timely and properly taken by creating a process whereby the patient, the medical provider and the designated healthcare agent are all on the same page before the end of the patient’s life is ever confronted.

In a future posting, we will will continue this topic by distinguishing the purpose and effectiveness of Advance Health Care Directives and the Physician’s Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST).

© Anthony Antoville 2015

Anthony Antoville is Care Manager, Certified and COO of Champion Advocates LLC in Portland, Oregon providing geriatric case management services. Anthony is a published expert on long-term care with Edwin Mellen Press and co-created the Action-Compassion!Technique as an innovative approach to geriatric case management. Currently, he serves on the State Plan for Alzheimer’s Disease in Oregon (SPADO) Taskforce to Optimize Quality Care and Efficiency.


Mellowing with Age: Myth or Truth?

As a grow older, I routinely return to questions regarding my personality: “Which personal characteristics are of me and which ones are not?” “Am I becoming the person I would have hoped to have become in my youth?”

“Am I a person I would want to be around?” “Is age mellowing me, or am I just becoming a cranky old man?”

So far, I have discovered that I have developed and refined the characteristics that I have picked up over time. Some are good and express attributes I would fondly wish to see in people close to me. Other qualities are less than desirable and not worthwhile to retain in any fashion, and I consider myself irresponsible when I perpetuate them in the world.

Just as certain stones are conglomerations of multiple minerals, I have picked up and acquired various aspects of personality that I have encountered throughout my life; some thoughtfully and others carelessly. Some I now carry due to my adaptable nature. Others I carry because life has hammered them into weak points of my armor. I have moulded both types into my persona, while time, experience and repeated use have worn them into a shape of my own fashion.

Yet I find myself left with a choice: Shall I become a stone that is smooth, well polished and highly reflective of surrounding sources of light? Or will I be a rough-edged, brittle and dull amalgamation of lesser qualities in need of further purification to reach a higher state of being?

Clearly, we make due with qualities that are presented to us over a lifetime beginning at birth. We carry with us what we choose. Some qualities are fostered consciously, while others we self-integrate with less awareness. We are presented with an endless stream of opportunities to shed what does not serve us and retain what we believe to be of use.
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What I see as essential in my life is to pay close attention to what my responses are as I am ceaselessly tumbled about in the surf of life. As I encounter situations, people and events, I shall work to repeat, reiterate and reflect only the qualities I wish to see in myself to the best of my ability. To attempt to do any less, would diminish who I am and my potential to contribute anything of worth and meaning to the world in which I live.

© Anthony Antoville 2014

Anthony Antoville is COO and geriatric case manager with Champion Advocates LLC in Portland, Oregon. He has been serving the psychosocial needs of seniors since 1991. Anthony is a published author with The Edwin Mellen Press.


Aging and the Futurist

I just attended a talk with Intel’s Futurist, Brian David Johnson. Earlier in this week, I had read through a futurist magazine filled with articles extolling child bearing robots and brain downloads and my expectations were low for meaningful content.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear Brian’s view that the future he envisions is about humans, not technology. It is not technology that guides us, but we who should be guiding technology. As we enter an era in which we can manufacture molecular-sized technology and literally anything can become a computer, it is up to us to decide what we stand for and what we stand against.

What stuck me most was this statement Brian made:

How do you change the future?
Change the story that people are telling themselves about the future they will live in.

In that light, what story are we telling ourselves about aging?

Aging is not only in our future, it is happening to all of us and now! If we are allowing the aging story to be shaped by medical technology companies, which of these technologies will enhance our experience of living a human life and which will dehumanize us over time?

Are the advertisements put forward by pharmaceutical corporations helping or warping our understanding of the course of life? Is the aging story told by residential care conglomerates and investment brokerages meaningful and true to what you stand for?

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Be aware of what you stand for and what you stand against, and change the story you are telling yourself as much as you need to.

© Anne Conrad-Antoville 2014

Anne Conrad-Antoville is CEO of Champion Advocates LLC in Portland, Oregon. She has helped hundreds of families with professional geriatric case management services and other supportive services for seniors. Anne is also President of Working Woman Aging Parents.

Intel – Brian David Johnson and the Tomorrow Project

Photo- Damien Hirst, Hoorsenbuhs — The Cathedral Collection – Pill Rosary



Disney’s “Maleficent” is a Tale of Forgiveness

Maleficent, Disney’s recent blockbuster release, reveals an unusual way to express the timeless message of forgiveness to its viewers, young and old alike. The tale of the formerly evil villainess in the classic Sleeping Beauty is provided a much needed backstory in this updated version to explain what has led her to unleash such hatred against the newly born babe, Aurora.

We learn that a great violation has been committed upon Maleficent by Aurora’s soon to be father, Stephan. This would be the mutilation and stealing of her faerie wings through deception and manipulation by Stephan to gain favor and the eventual kingship from the dying human king. A new war ensues between these two worlds and the innocent on both sides are made to suffer. All of this for the sake of the old king’s desire to destroy the faerie realm and plunder its coveted wealth of unimagined riches.

Yet, the innocent Aurora shows Maleficent the path back toward compassion and healing as only a child will. Through the years that lead up to Aurora’s fateful 16th birthday, Maleficent slowly rediscovers her own love of the natural world and a shared awe of wonder as expressed in Aurora.

Eventually, Maleficent strives in vain to reverse her dreaded spell that she had cast upon Aurora, and is left with but one final measure to cure the girl of the forever deathlike sleep. She must travel into the human kingdom, enter King Stephan’s castle and face his knights who are armed with weapons of deadly iron.

Forgiveness is a cornerstone of compassionate aging. Several times and in many ways, this compassionate message is conveyed.

Stephan as a young boy and would-be thief is forgiven by a young Maleficent and her faerie co-beings of his original trespass; the three tiny pixies repeatedly tussle and argue with one another to remain each others faithful companions over the years; Maleficent again forgives Stephan later as a grown man who had abandoned her to pursue his ambition among men, and Aurora forgives Maleficent of casting the doom-filled spell upon her.
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But most dramatically, Maleficent, in the heat of battle and clearly in a position to defeat King Stephan, gives him quarter and is willing to spare his life. It is only Stephan who chooses to cling to a hardened and merciless heart, thus seeking final vengeance.

By the re-vision of this tale, we are shown that forgiveness begins when we strive to rise above an insult, a trespass, a wound, an injustice.

Forgiveness is ultimately realized, when we knowingly attempt to break a painful or disastrous cycle in favor of reaching a new state of awareness within ourselves and in others. This process is one that can occur naturally over time as memories fade, the mind weakens and the ego-driven self slowly diminishes. Or, we can consciously decide which aspects of our lives that we wish to truly cherish and nurture through our remaining years.

© Anthony Antoville 2014

Anthony Antoville, CMC is Care Manager, Certified and COO of Champion Advocates LLC in Portland, Oregon. For more than 20 years, he has professionally served hundreds of families in addressing family relations and other elder issues.


Caregiving: A National Workforce Crisis in the Making

A study from the National Alliance Caregiving and AARP determined that about half the workforce will be providing some type of eldercare by 2017.

This stunning statistic has been steadily increasing over the past few decades due to increased longevity of people with increasingly significant medical and care needs.

In 2006, the MetLife Mature Market Institute determined that the annual cost to US employers for worker accommodations due to caregiving topped $33 billion. 2  This is a significant chunk for the US economy.

On the individual front, caregivers who need to take time off work, cut hours, change jobs or even stop working entirely can significantly impact their personal income, career goals and lifetime financial health.

Working caregivers who cut hours or change jobs may also lose benefits including company health insurance, potentially affecting their personal health over time.

Unfortunately, my experience as a geriatric case manager in the field reveals that family caregivers often spend time and energy in misdirected actions.

These misdirected actions are often the result of unreasonable expectations, lack of knowledge and expertise and absence of meaningful support. The wasted time and effort negatively affects a large circle including the caregiver, their spouse and family, the employer and work teams, and most importantly the family member who is receiving the care.

The possibility to head off a national crisis begins by addressing the implicit and unreasonable expectation that all responsibilities of care must default to the family caregiver.

The “default to the family caregiver” concept is promoted by government, medical institutions, medical providers, cultural institutions unwilling to fund multifaceted support and members of older generations who have not had the experience of parents with these current longevity issues.

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© Anne Conrad-Antoville 2014

Anne Conrad-Antoville

Anne Conrad-Antoville is CEO of Champion Advocates LLC in Portland, Oregon. She has helped hundreds of families with professional geriatric case management services and other supportive services for seniors. Anne is also President of Working Woman Aging Parents.


12012 AARP Fact Sheet – Understanding the Impact of Family Caregiving on Work

2MetLife Mature Market Institute®National Alliance for Caregiving
July 2006The MetLife Caregiving Cost Study:Productivity Losses to U.S. Business


Self-Driving Cars: A Solution for Aging Drivers

One of the most common concerns I discuss with family caregivers of older adults has to do with driving safety.

Visual deficiencies, slower response time, reduced range of motion in the neck and shoulders and cognitive declines caused by medications, medical conditions and/or various stages of dementia are some of the significant risk factors for senior drivers.

Statistics show us that inexperienced, younger drivers (16-24) are the most prone to be involved in auto collisions and accidents. But, did you know that their experienced older counterparts 75 years old or older rival them in risk?*

Families are struggling with many demands on their time and energy. The rigors of work, maintaining a household, raising children and realizing personal relationships must be kept real beyond a virtual-based existence are already challenging. When we factor in the time needed to take an older family member to medical appointments, trips to a store or social outings to meet friends, we can watch the precious minutes and hours of our day quickly vanish.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to know that the same senior could easily get into a self-driving car and perform those activities on their own or meet someone at a scheduled destination for added assistance?

And, I say “easily” because self-driving cars like some being developed by Google are designed for ease of getting into and out of the car. That freedom would be experienced be everyone involved in that senior’s life.

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Old time friends could stay in touch without waiting outside in the rain for a transport service or having to have a paid caregiver drive them to gather. Instead of scheduling ways around difficult transportation logistics, senior and family members alike can schedule more things to do on their own or together.

*The Hartford: Family Conversations With Older Drivers

© Anthony Antoville 2014

Anthony Antoville, CMC is a geriatric case manager with Champion Advocates LLC in Portland, Oregon. Since 1991, he has been helping seniors and their families address transportation concerns among other eldercare issues.


Illuminating Better Pathways for Aging

Compassionate Aging is a conscious and intent-driven approach to an inherent process of life. To move from an outward view of living, aging and eventually dying, to move towards a revitalized vision that seeks to gain deeper insights as to the inward journey of a life lived, requires us to individually pause, breathe and feel.

To feel beyond our basic physical pleasures and pains and to reach past our surface emotions is not often a practice in our daily lives. We are taught to subjugate, relegate and isolate our feelings and to conceal them from ourselves and others at all costs, except in the most banal forms of expression.

Look around at any moment in your day and you will find much you or I would rather choose to avoid to experience and feel. Our lives are surrounded by visuals and sound bites filled with pain, cruelty and misery. So why feel more deeply, when feeling anything at all touches upon such potential agony?

Because avoidance will only postpone what cannot be denied during the stillness that awaits each of us at that hour of death. Either, our own death or the death of a loved one will reveal regret, sorrow or guilt that has been repressed. Why then accumulate what can be released and recycled into more healthy emotions, thoughts and actions?

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If serious contemplations and considerations regarding aging issues emerge out of the din of the pervasive knee-jerk reactions to our current and ever burgeoning aging population scenario, then this website and its articles will have achieved an intended goal. And yet, it will be only a starting place from which to initiate this quest for compassionate aging.

© Anthony Antoville 2014

Anthony Antoville is COO of Champion Advocates LLC and Co-Founder of compassionateaging.org
