Tag Archives: Aging with the Earth

Aging with the Earth

Mellowing with Age: Myth or Truth?

As a grow older, I routinely return to questions regarding my personality: “Which personal characteristics are of me and which ones are not?” “Am I becoming the person I would have hoped to have become in my youth?”

“Am I a person I would want to be around?” “Is age mellowing me, or am I just becoming a cranky old man?”

So far, I have discovered that I have developed and refined the characteristics that I have picked up over time. Some are good and express attributes I would fondly wish to see in people close to me. Other qualities are less than desirable and not worthwhile to retain in any fashion, and I consider myself irresponsible when I perpetuate them in the world.

Just as certain stones are conglomerations of multiple minerals, I have picked up and acquired various aspects of personality that I have encountered throughout my life; some thoughtfully and others carelessly. Some I now carry due to my adaptable nature. Others I carry because life has hammered them into weak points of my armor. I have moulded both types into my persona, while time, experience and repeated use have worn them into a shape of my own fashion.

Yet I find myself left with a choice: Shall I become a stone that is smooth, well polished and highly reflective of surrounding sources of light? Or will I be a rough-edged, brittle and dull amalgamation of lesser qualities in need of further purification to reach a higher state of being?

Clearly, we make due with qualities that are presented to us over a lifetime beginning at birth. We carry with us what we choose. Some qualities are fostered consciously, while others we self-integrate with less awareness. We are presented with an endless stream of opportunities to shed what does not serve us and retain what we believe to be of use.
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What I see as essential in my life is to pay close attention to what my responses are as I am ceaselessly tumbled about in the surf of life. As I encounter situations, people and events, I shall work to repeat, reiterate and reflect only the qualities I wish to see in myself to the best of my ability. To attempt to do any less, would diminish who I am and my potential to contribute anything of worth and meaning to the world in which I live.

© Anthony Antoville 2014

Anthony Antoville is COO and geriatric case manager with Champion Advocates LLC in Portland, Oregon. He has been serving the psychosocial needs of seniors since 1991. Anthony is a published author with The Edwin Mellen Press.


Farmers’ Markets: A Delightful Way to Connect to Earth and Community

For many years, my husband and I had a very large garden. We grew over forty different varieties of culinary and medicinal herbs. We grew apples, pears and grapes. In the early spring, we had peas, kale and spring onions. Through the summers, we had an abundance of lettuce varieties, and heirloom beans, carrots, radishes and tomatoes. In the autumn, we reveled in colorful beets, squashes, spinach and pumpkins.

We lived by the seasons and lovingly tilled, planted, weeded, mulched and watered. We enjoyed the contact with the earth and with living things. We enjoyed the physical work and the harvest of efforts made.

At this stage of life, it is our season to live in the city with a patio full of potted plants. I still am able to find my contact with the earth on a regular basis. One of my favorite things to do is to shop at the farmers’ market.

At the farmers’ market, I have come to know the farmers who are there every week. Their hands touch the earth every day and the gifts they bring from it carry that special regenerative interaction between humans and other living beings. Their vegetables and fruits are vibrant and alive with energy.

Last week, I visited the farmers’ market in Beaverton, Oregon and stopped by one of my favorite booths – that of a small family berry farm. These family farmers pick the berries when they are ripe on the vine, and every basket of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries being the epitome of perfection!
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One of the young women from the family farm glowed, as we chatted about the blueberries that had just come into season and how much we had enjoyed the extra sweet strawberries from the week before that were gone now. I filled my half box with the colors and aromas of the early summer and returned home with the blessings of earth.

© Anne Conrad-Antoville 2014

Anne Conrad-Antoville is CEO of Champion Advocates LLC in Portland, Oregon. She is Co-Founder of CompassionateAging.org. Anne is also President of Working Woman Aging Parents.

Farmers’ Market Beaverton Oregon


Illuminating Better Pathways for Aging

Compassionate Aging is a conscious and intent-driven approach to an inherent process of life. To move from an outward view of living, aging and eventually dying, to move towards a revitalized vision that seeks to gain deeper insights as to the inward journey of a life lived, requires us to individually pause, breathe and feel.

To feel beyond our basic physical pleasures and pains and to reach past our surface emotions is not often a practice in our daily lives. We are taught to subjugate, relegate and isolate our feelings and to conceal them from ourselves and others at all costs, except in the most banal forms of expression.

Look around at any moment in your day and you will find much you or I would rather choose to avoid to experience and feel. Our lives are surrounded by visuals and sound bites filled with pain, cruelty and misery. So why feel more deeply, when feeling anything at all touches upon such potential agony?

Because avoidance will only postpone what cannot be denied during the stillness that awaits each of us at that hour of death. Either, our own death or the death of a loved one will reveal regret, sorrow or guilt that has been repressed. Why then accumulate what can be released and recycled into more healthy emotions, thoughts and actions?

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If serious contemplations and considerations regarding aging issues emerge out of the din of the pervasive knee-jerk reactions to our current and ever burgeoning aging population scenario, then this website and its articles will have achieved an intended goal. And yet, it will be only a starting place from which to initiate this quest for compassionate aging.

© Anthony Antoville 2014

Anthony Antoville is COO of Champion Advocates LLC and Co-Founder of compassionateaging.org
