Aging and the Futurist

I just attended a talk with Intel’s Futurist, Brian David Johnson. Earlier in this week, I had read through a futurist magazine filled with articles extolling child bearing robots and brain downloads and my expectations were low for meaningful content.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear Brian’s view that the future he envisions is about humans, not technology. It is not technology that guides us, but we who should be guiding technology. As we enter an era in which we can manufacture molecular-sized technology and literally anything can become a computer, it is up to us to decide what we stand for and what we stand against.

What stuck me most was this statement Brian made:

How do you change the future?
Change the story that people are telling themselves about the future they will live in.

In that light, what story are we telling ourselves about aging?

Aging is not only in our future, it is happening to all of us and now! If we are allowing the aging story to be shaped by medical technology companies, which of these technologies will enhance our experience of living a human life and which will dehumanize us over time?

Are the advertisements put forward by pharmaceutical corporations helping or warping our understanding of the course of life? Is the aging story told by residential care conglomerates and investment brokerages meaningful and true to what you stand for?

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Be aware of what you stand for and what you stand against, and change the story you are telling yourself as much as you need to.

© Anne Conrad-Antoville 2014

Anne Conrad-Antoville is CEO of Champion Advocates LLC in Portland, Oregon. She has helped hundreds of families with professional geriatric case management services and other supportive services for seniors. Anne is also President of Working Woman Aging Parents.

Intel – Brian David Johnson and the Tomorrow Project

Photo- Damien Hirst, Hoorsenbuhs — The Cathedral Collection – Pill Rosary

